Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I recently remember a funny story that I had filed away in this half-assed file cabinet I call a brain. I had moved to Blacksburg, Va for awhile in the Winter of '04, mainly to get away. Since I went to Engineering School at VT, I was familiar with the area, but most of my classmates had graduated. The only person I knew there was my friend Rob, who had moved there a year earlier. Rob and I had been best buddies for awhile in Virginia Beach, we almost were inseparable. He was my hiking bud and we have logged a lot of miles together. When I had got there, Rob had just gone through a very messy divorce. I had been about a year out of my Brain Cancer. I think we were both broken men in our own ways.
Anyway, to the funny part. I was moving in with Rob in Blacksburg and had to meet him after work to get the key to his house. When I got there it was snowing like a bastard. The place Rob had chosen was a college bar that was having happy hour. Two dollar, forty ounce, cold Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, who could resist. We'll I had too, I had enough troubles trying to keep my balance and walk straight as it was. He was there with his friend Keith. I entered the pub, grabbed a barstool, tried to sit on it, misjudged and landed flat on my face. Great entrance huh....! After a little while chatting , Rob gave me the key and I was on my way. A few months later, after many cocktails, Keith divulged something to me. He said "When I first met you, I forgot about what Rob had told me about you and just thought that you were just wicked drunk already. I'm sorry." I told him don't be, I can do the "fall off things trick" at any time during the day, at several levels of sobriety. Ha...Ha...Ha. See I have to find things about my disabilities that I can play off or make a joke about. If not....well it wouldn't be a pretty picture.

I had my long awaited disability hearing 2 weeks ago. I have waited almost a year and THE SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITIES DECISION COORDINATOR is suppose to mail me a decision this week. By the way her name is Peggy McDaid and her # is (919)-212-3222 EXT 4311, if any body feels like giving her a jingle. I am waiting on pins and needles, I'm anxious, I can't sleep, I can't eat, I'm irritable to Fran and Stella. The waiting is making me old.....the fucking waiting.....

P.S. I really don't like it when my in-laws have my daughter Stella for the night. The feed her the wrong foods(ding-dongs, ho- hos and ice cream) they know nothing about basic nutrition. Plus, when she comes back, she is very rude and we have to reprogram her to have manners. I guess it's a necessary evil. However, now I have to put my foot down.........

That's right people, A FUCKIN' BABY IN A JAR. My in-laws brought back my daughters baby doll in a jar! Even with the sick, warped sense of humor as I have ,I couldn't find that funny!!!!!

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