Friday, September 5, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen...The Word According To KILIAN!!!!


August 28th Al Gore directly likened Barack Obama to the great US leader Abraham Lincoln, then 5 days later, Abraham Lincoln (confirmed impostor**) had been seen at the Republican National Convention as they gave tribute to Abe.

So, which is it? , who side is Lincoln on?,WWLD , ( what would Lincoln do?), - I believe the answer is clear, Lincoln would be on everyone's side however, it is more important to know who is on Lincoln's side " Lets look at the vice president nominees to see who is with Lincoln,

When Biden took the nomination podium, the first words from his mouth were: "President Lincoln once instructed us to be sure to put your feet in the right place and then stand firm," - can't get much better then that, can you?

Palin had not implored the words of Lincoln at all,
... but she does make you think...
Like Abe Lincoln, Palin is from the backwoods, growing up surrounded by woods.
He was a lumberjack, Palin worked as a fisher-woman.
Lincoln was considered very much an outsider to Washington. Palin is an Washington outsider,
Both, not a smooth politician and Palin has already shown excellent political skills much better than many anticipated. In a similar way Lincoln surpassed many people's expectations.,
and for the mystic's, Sarah's birthday Feb 11...... Lincoln, Feb 12th.

So WWLD? - It would probably be best to ask him....., not a impostor...
Back In a time when folks looked for a divine endorsement, Lincoln left his audience with this:

“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right”

- so, in this democratic republic it is left for us to decide, one thing is clear, we all miss the days of great leader Lincoln.

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