Thursday, September 11, 2008

One Battle on with the war.

I received a letter this morning from The Social Security Administration . The letter I have been waiting for. I read the first line while my wife gasped and cried.

"After carefully reviewing all the information on your claim, we have made a disability decision. We find that your disability did not end. Therefore, your benefits will continue."

Fran danced around in joy and then looked at me and said, "Why aren't you smiling?" "Honey we have merely won a battle, there is still a war to be fought." A war against the Social Security Administration. A war to receive my back pay from benefits that were denied me 13 months ago. A war to have my Medicare reinstated to help pay for the mountain of hospital bills that I can't pay. A fight to have my credit restored, which is in the fucking toilet because of them. Tangent: How can a fucking made up number tell people what kind of a person I am, it's complete BULLSHIT. The multitude of problems that they have caused to both mine, Frances, and Stella's life. Are they going to back pay for pain and suffering that they have caused. The fact for the last 13 months, I have had my manhood taken from me leaving me with the feeling that I cannot provide for my family. Are they going to pay me for the phychotic episodes that I've had. Like I said, one battle has been won, but it has been an important battle. Now it is time for me to arise from the ashes they have caused and win this fucking war!!!!!

1 comment:

Alexis said...

WOOOO!YAY!!!! One giant step in the right direction! BTW - did you guys get the photos yet??? x x x