Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's Obama Country, Biatch!!!

Well two days before the Presidential Inauguration, I thought I would chime in with some of my conspiracy/libertarian/ driving Fran nuts ideas about our new commander in chief. Through out the election I have never shown any support for Obama. I lived in a small town, so unfortunately I had to hear the utmost, down right retarded slander against him. "He's a terrorist!" "He's a Muslim (heaven forbid someone has a different opinion about a god)!" "He's the Antichrist and likes to eat little babies souls and club baby seals while having gay sex!!!" OK, I made that last one up but you get the point... Now being a hard core Libertarian, I voted for Bob Barr knowing that he didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of ever getting into the oval office. There was one shining glimpse of greatness in this campaign.....Sarah Palin.....excuse me for a sec....I've got to smoke some more crack!! I'm going to have a tangent for a minute, Sarah Palin is a idiot. Why the RNC choose her I will never know maybe they have the same crack dealer as me... I saw an old women in traffic with a Palin '12 bumber sticker...the only reason I didn't beat her senseless at the stop light was because 1) You should never hit a women and 2) She will probably die before 2012 anyway...this country doesn't need that kind of ignorance...we have already had 8 years of that...but back on track, I believe that Barack Obama is a fantastic orator. His speeches leave you with a sence of being able to accomplish anything. They are inspirational!! If he is able to accomplish 1/4th of what he promised in the campaign...HE WILL BE THE GREATEST PRESIDENT IN US HISTORY!! There, I said it and now I feel better...just don't tell my wife...and let bygones be bygones....SUPPORT THE NEW COMMANDER IN CHIEF, HE'S COMING FOR THAT #1 SPOT!!!!