Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More Social Security News....

So I talked with my SSD claims representative today (David Smith 1.252.975.0170 ext. 110). He informed me that the wait for my back pay and my reinstatement of benefits could be 90 days. First it was three days, then 30 days, then 60 days, Now it is 90 DAYS! I had to put my life on hold for over 15 months now with no clear relief in sight. As a Brain Cancer Survivor, Hell..even as a normal person, I knew that everyday was a gift because tomorrow is not promised. I use to tell friends that "I had a date with a bus." But now...I just don't know if I can take this waiting....there is SO much that I want to do with my wife and daughter and I can't because the Government choose not to see the obvious. I'M FUCKING DISABLED!! I MAY HAVE ANOTHER 10 YEARS LEFT IN MY LIFE IF I'M LUCKY! I DO NOT WANT TO BE WASTING IT ON THIS STUPID BULLSHIT! What do you expect from a Government who invaded a foreign country with no military or ethical Intel? Who thought it was a good idea to invent 700 billion to give to their already obscenely rich cronies, while the common man suffers. It's war on the middle class, the Government does not want us alive.....

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