Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's Obama Country, Biatch!!!

Well two days before the Presidential Inauguration, I thought I would chime in with some of my conspiracy/libertarian/ driving Fran nuts ideas about our new commander in chief. Through out the election I have never shown any support for Obama. I lived in a small town, so unfortunately I had to hear the utmost, down right retarded slander against him. "He's a terrorist!" "He's a Muslim (heaven forbid someone has a different opinion about a god)!" "He's the Antichrist and likes to eat little babies souls and club baby seals while having gay sex!!!" OK, I made that last one up but you get the point... Now being a hard core Libertarian, I voted for Bob Barr knowing that he didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of ever getting into the oval office. There was one shining glimpse of greatness in this campaign.....Sarah Palin.....excuse me for a sec....I've got to smoke some more crack!! I'm going to have a tangent for a minute, Sarah Palin is a idiot. Why the RNC choose her I will never know maybe they have the same crack dealer as me... I saw an old women in traffic with a Palin '12 bumber sticker...the only reason I didn't beat her senseless at the stop light was because 1) You should never hit a women and 2) She will probably die before 2012 anyway...this country doesn't need that kind of ignorance...we have already had 8 years of that...but back on track, I believe that Barack Obama is a fantastic orator. His speeches leave you with a sence of being able to accomplish anything. They are inspirational!! If he is able to accomplish 1/4th of what he promised in the campaign...HE WILL BE THE GREATEST PRESIDENT IN US HISTORY!! There, I said it and now I feel better...just don't tell my wife...and let bygones be bygones....SUPPORT THE NEW COMMANDER IN CHIEF, HE'S COMING FOR THAT #1 SPOT!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

More Social Security News....

So I talked with my SSD claims representative today (David Smith 1.252.975.0170 ext. 110). He informed me that the wait for my back pay and my reinstatement of benefits could be 90 days. First it was three days, then 30 days, then 60 days, Now it is 90 DAYS! I had to put my life on hold for over 15 months now with no clear relief in sight. As a Brain Cancer Survivor, Hell..even as a normal person, I knew that everyday was a gift because tomorrow is not promised. I use to tell friends that "I had a date with a bus." But now...I just don't know if I can take this waiting....there is SO much that I want to do with my wife and daughter and I can't because the Government choose not to see the obvious. I'M FUCKING DISABLED!! I MAY HAVE ANOTHER 10 YEARS LEFT IN MY LIFE IF I'M LUCKY! I DO NOT WANT TO BE WASTING IT ON THIS STUPID BULLSHIT! What do you expect from a Government who invaded a foreign country with no military or ethical Intel? Who thought it was a good idea to invent 700 billion to give to their already obscenely rich cronies, while the common man suffers. It's war on the middle class, the Government does not want us alive.....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

MICHAEL MOORE: You Pathitic Fuck....

So with all the horror and struggle that my wife, daughter, and I have had to endure in the last 13 months, I figured it would make a good documentary. Well I had this idea to contact Michael Moore, so I tried to e-mail him, mail box was full. I proceeded to send him a went a little something like this...hit it...

Dear Mr. Moore
I know you are a very busy person so I will make my trepidations short and sweet. This letter is about how this country desperately needs Social Security reform. I’m a Brain Cancer survivor (Adult Medulloblastoma), a rare form of Brain Cancer that occurs in under 4/1,000,000,000% of the American population. It has left my right side with no motor skills, loss of balance, severe joint pain, double vision, and the list goes on. However, against the advice of 10 doctors that said I couldn’t work, I was told by Social Insecurity (as I like to call them) that I could work. They stated in the letter I received “We realize that your condition keeps you from doing any of your past jobs, but it does not keep you from doing less demanding work. Based on your age, education, and past experience, you can do other work”, i.e. bag groceries or flip burgers, both I have tried and failed miserably at. All jobs that are unable to support my wife, and my two-year-old daughter. How could our Government do this to one of it’s US citizens?

Ned Brown

I wrote six separate letters to six separate addresses(two of them to Beverly Hills). All six of them were returned unopened. Now, I'm no fan of Michael Moore's films, but I thought if my story, and the millions of American Citizens that are going through this, was told, maybe, just maybe the American public would wake up and be infuriated. People are losing their Savings, Houses, Credit, and unfortunately their lives because the President and Congress can not agree to hire more Federal judges to handle the over burdened SS Appeals process. If you are under the age of 40, quit your job. You are paying Social Security taxes that you will not receive when you turn 65. Social Security went bankrupt in the fall of 2000 and is just borrowing money from the Federal Reserve (Private Bank, not affiliated with the US Government) to pay benefits. The Federal Reserve has recently bought out Fanny/Freddy, AIG, and countless others in the last months, and that has seemed to go well for the American Taxpayer........Wait for it......