Sunday, August 31, 2008

Movies that define us......

Sometimes people ask Fran and I if we have a "song" that defines our relationship. Since we are both music aficionados (and we're not being snobby about that) , between the 2 of us we know every musical group, band, and artist ever. So with our common and different taste in music we could NEVER pick a "song". We usually tell them that it is a movie, 50 First Dates staring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. It's a romatic comedy about a women who has had a brain injury and has lost her short term memory and how Adam Sandler's character deals with that. Everyday he makes her fall in love with him again. It's funny, it's witty, and it's sweet. We like it because it mirrors the fact that my short term memory sucks. I can't remember what I had for breakfast and that was an hour ago. Everyday Fran does something that reminds me why I'm with her and makes me fall in love with her all over again.

Now that is the sanitized story of our relationship. That is what we tell people at parties to make them feel good and not offend them. Truth be known, we are kinda perverted, twisted, morose, sarcastic people...the world is not ready for our style of truth and humor just yet. One thing that we can agree on is the rock band the Pixies and how much they were under appreciated and how much they just ROCKED!! That being said, the last two minutes of Fight Club sums up our relationship the best. We're both people with deep inner demons, we don't fit in with "society", Fran always wants to be "motherly" with me, and I really want to blow up the world!!!!!

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